Paediatric ophthalmology is a subspecialty of ophthalmology that concerns vision care in children.


Since the visual system is in a developing phase in childhood, hence it is imperative that any eye disorder in children be identified and rectified, as early as possible. paediatric ophthalmologists treat eye defects in children through medication, therapies, and complex eye surgeries. Due to their expertise in handling eye movement disorders, paediatric ophthalmologists also treat squint in adults.


Children experience a variety of eye problems, which are relatively distinct from adult eye diseases.

? It is crucial to be attentive to children’s eye care when their eye-brain connections are still developing and strengthening. All of these reasons demand an additional emphasis on their requirements.

? Any problem at this stage has the potential to hinder their future visual capabilities permanently Children’s eye care issues may not always be apparent, and the child may not complain. Hence, the need to objectively assess the needs, if any.


Habitat Health Centre and its Paediatric Ophthalmologists are fully equipped to give your child the following treatments and procedures:

Infections like conjunctivitis

Strabismus or squint eye treatment (squint surgery)

Blocked tear ducts


Abnormal vision development

Retinopathy of prematurity


Convergence insufficiency

Congenital malformations

Refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, etc



? The most commonly noticeable sign in children is the challenge in reading the content written on blackboards in school. Sometimes, they even struggle to write in their notebooks.

? It is easy to recognise a physical symptom such as misalignment of the eyes, a squint in the eyes, drooping eyelids, or any other physical deformity around the eyes that may appear to affect the vision. Timely detection and diagnosis are essential for treatment for squint eyes.

? Children often feel more discomfort as compared to adults who have a higher tolerance for pain or irritation. Any signs of frequent headaches along with watery or red eyes, recurring inflammation or irritation in the eyes, should not be dismissed easily.

? Easy susceptibility to different types of eye infections is also a very visible indicator that a detailed eye check-up is a must for the child.

? Some of the disorders regarding the sense of sight are also hereditary. If one has a family history of eye-related disorders or needs corrective glasses, the same problems may manifest in children

What are common eye diseases in children?

The most common eye diseases seen in children are squint, refractive errors (spectacle requirement), lazy eye disease, congenital or paediatric cataract, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), and rarely tumours.

Understanding Squint (Strabismus)

Strabismus or squint is an eye condition in which the eyes are not aligned in the same direction. This eye disorder may or may not manifest in children. They usually develop before five years of age but can appear later too.

Strabismus may also occur in adults due to residual childhood strabismus. Treatment for squint eyes becomes unmissable if you notice one eye of your child turning inwards, upwards, downwards, or outwards, while the other one focuses on one spot.

Depending on the type of strabismus, Habitat Health Centre's expert surgeons perform squint surgery or strabismus surgery. We have some of the most reliable names in the field of ophthalmology, eye procedures, and squint treatment.

If ignored or left untreated, squint, or strabismus may lead to further severe problems like persistent blurred or double vision, and lazy eye- an early childhood eye condition in which the eyesight does not develop properly in one eye. This eye condition is also known as amblyopia.

Squint eye treatment (Cross-eyed Treatment)

The paediatric ophthalmologists’ team at Habitat Health Centre offers all forms of treatment for strabismus. Based on the patient’s condition, our team provides correct consultation and the treatment that will go with the specific eye condition.


What is the job of a paediatric eye specialist?

Paediatric eye specialists specifically provide treatment and care to children with eye problems. Most of the problems in these cases are found only in children or require different innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment as compared to the adult versions of the same disorders.

What is the way to become a paediatric optometrist?

A paediatric optometrist is trained while working under or with a paediatric eye specialist.

What are paediatric eye doctors called?

An eye doctor for the kids is called a paediatric ophthalmologist.

When does a child need an ophthalmologist’s checkup?

All children of 2.5-3 years of age should have a baseline eye examination, irrespective of any symptoms. Do not ignore the complaints of eye-ache, difficulty in reading, sore/irritated eyes, tiredness in kids- consult a paediatric ophthalmologist to get an accurate idea of the problem and later, if necessary, treatment too.

In the case of newborns, a baseline eye health screening is required to be done by the treating paediatrician. This needs to be done at birth and later in infancy, between 6-12 months of life. In high-risk newborns, who were either born premature or had other systemic risks like sepsis, low birth weight, etc., the paediatrician seeks the help of a trained eye specialist (preferably retina specialist/paediatric ophthalmologist) to screen for retinopathy of prematurity, in the first few weeks after birth.

What is the way to become a paediatric ophthalmologist?

To become a paediatric ophthalmologist, one undergoes rigorous training where they learn to handle paediatric eye diseases in OPDs and surgery. To be able to handle any case, they do diagnosis and investigations, and eventually, learn to manage everything related to child eye care. Fellowship programs post MS are offered for the same.

Can ophthalmologists perform surgery?

It is a fact that most ophthalmologists are surgeons as well.

What happens in an appointment with the paediatric eye specialist?

During the visit to a paediatric ophthalmologist, an initial basic workup is conducted to check vision. If required, a dilated evaluation is also done. Dilation can be done either in the same visit (takes around 1.5-2 hours), or a home dilation is recommended.

Are squint surgeries safe?

Yes, squint surgeries done in hospitals with expert doctors and infrastructure are safe. Squint correction surgery corrects the vision defect in children. Surgery is recommended if other methods are not suitable for treatment for squint eyes. A paediatric ophthalmologist will do a comprehensive eye checkup of your child before starting treatment for squint. Centre for Sight provides treatment for squint eyes. The need for squint correction should be detected at the right time. The systemic fitness of the child/patient is evaluated with the help of a physician and the anesthetist-in charge.

What is the duration of a strabismus surgery or squint correction surgery?

Depends upon the number of muscles to be operated, the exact procedure planned and the type of anaesthesia. On an average, it takes 1 hour or so.

What are the average success rates of surgeries for squint?

The success rate of strabismus surgery or squint surgery depends upon the type of squint. India’s renowned eye care provider Centre for Sight provides squint eye treatment (cross-eyed treatment).

Does strabismus go away on its own, without external treatment?

Some squints in infants and young children sometimes improve with age. But always consult a paediatric ophthalmologist if you notice squint in your child.

What happens in a strabismus surgery/ squint surgery?

Strabismus surgery aims to improve or reduce squint. In the eye, six muscles control the movement of your eyes. An imbalance between them causes the development of squint. You can get squint correction surgery at Centre for Sight.

Can you cure a squint?

The conditions can be improved, and the adverse effects on vision due to a squint can be reduced with treatment. Squint eye treatment (cross-eyed treatment) should be done at the right time so that it doesn’t hamper the vision of your child.

Can squint be considered a disability?

Squint in itself is not a disability, but if it leads to irreparable vision damage, which can become a disability. Squint surgery or strabismus surgery is the last resort to treat the eye condition if all other techniques fail. Hence, an early restoration of eye alignment, in childhood is desirable.


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